About Us

The Corona College of Education (CCED) was established by the Corona Schools’ Trust Council in 2014 to bridge the gap in quality of teacher training and leverage its 65 years’ experience providing quality education in Nigeria.

Dr Olajumoke Mekiliuwa


I am delighted to welcome you to the Corona College of Education (CCED), an institution that has become a pacesetter in many respects within the short time of its conception.

It is the first college of education in Nigeria to deploy technology massively for its academic activities and has completed its programmes within the set time frame despite all odds.

It has successfully trained and equipped several numbers of graduates to meet the dire need of schools and other organisations that require their services. Corona College of Education has become a “standard procedure” for schools, colleges and universities nationwide.

The school aims at producing trailblazing teachers, equipped for continuous learning, personal mastery, leadership and ultimately at enhancing learners’ performance.


The Corona Schools’ Trust Council established the Corona College of Education (CCED) to bridge the gap in quality of teacher training and leverage on its over 65 years’ experience providing quality education in Nigeria.  The Trust Council has worked with other schools and training organisations and gained significant insight into training in the last ten years. The impact of training on teacher quality has been significant and long-lasting, and the College has leveraged this experience and broadened its services to include teacher certificated programmes which include:

  1. The Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE)
  2. The Professional Diploma in Education (PDE)
  3. The Postgraduate Certificate In Education International (PGCEI),{Nottingham UK}


With the establishment of and subsequent approval received from the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE), the Trust Council through Corona College of Education now offers initial tertiary education, providing a platform for teacher qualification leading to the award of the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE). The three (3) year teacher foundation programme aims at rejuvenating the decaying public education sector in Nigeria by broadening and deepening the knowledge and skill base of teachers of the critical early years and basic levels.

our vision

To be the best provider of Teacher Education in Nigeria with premium quality and standards for the training of globally competitive graduates.

our mission

To provide world class teacher education, founded on ethical values and professionalism for self-actualisation and service to humanity.



Objective One

Provide a platform for the continuous and professional development of teachers.

Objective Two

Assist schools to remodel and retrain their teachers and equip them with the where-with-all to educate and enable children who can live and work successfully in the 21st century.

Objective Three

Enhance the improvement of teaching standards through the encouragement of in-service training programmes.

Objective Four

Enhance the skills of educational administrators, school heads and leaders who would be able to function effectively in their areas of specialisation and transform their schools to high performing schools.






Engr. (Dr) Abolade Omiyale

message from dean, student affairs

We desire to make your stay at the college a memorable and exciting customer-centric experience. 

You can count on us for academic advising and tutoring. We also provide adequate support in your research, counselling, and assessment.

The department coordinates registration of clubs, societies and monitors such activities according to the college policies.

The processing of papers for the disciplinary committee rests on the Student Affairs Department.

We do not forget that soon you will be an alumnus; hence we link you with the alumni body to advance your network in the real world.

We encourage diversity and inclusion.


your future education starts now

The Corona College of Education (CCED) was given provisional approval to run the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programmes by the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) on the 9th of September, 2014.

This approval was given after an inspection team from the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) visited Corona College of Education (CCED) on the 10th to 15th August, 2014.

The admission of students into the Corona College of Education (CCED) began with applications of candidates into the college through JAMB starting January 2015. 

The Corona College of Education (CCED) is fully accredited by the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) to run the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programmes.

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